Eżempji ta 'problemi komuni ta' magna blasting blasting

- 2021-06-05-

Permezz tal-fehim preċedenti tagħna u l-fehim profond tal-magna tal-blasting shot, there will still be some novices who do not fully understand the magna tal-blasting shot. At the same time, it is also popularized based on what we have not mentioned before. The following are some examples of our problems and polishing The technical requirements for shot blasting of the magna tal-blasting shot, etc., I hope you will learn something and strengthen your own practical deficiencies.
1. Ħarsa lejn il-magna tal-blasting shotmil-lat professjonali, x'tip ta 'magna hi? Kif tagħżel impjant tal-produzzjoni u l-ipproċessar tal-funderija?

The magna tal-blasting shot itself is a surface treatment equipment, dedicated to solve the problem of imperfect surface of metal objects, and can remove the rust layer, rust spots, oxidation, painting, renovation, etc. on the surface of metal objects. For the foundry industry, performance, stability and quality should be considered when choosing a magna tal-blasting shot. Secondly, considering the price, because there are more magna tal-blasting shots in the market, you can choose to shop around. Only then can there be price comparisons.

2. X'inhuma r-rekwiżiti tekniċi għall-blasting shot? X'inhuma l-aspetti ewlenin?

Punt wieħed huwa l - problema tal -magna tal-blasting shot itself. On the basis of shot blasting technology, the magna tal-blasting shot must be stable enough, and what kind of magna tal-blasting shot is used for example: steel shot, iron shot, aluminum shot , And what is the size of the pellets, and then what is the ejection speed when we shot blasting. The professional name is called ejection flow. Different shot blasting intensities have different throwing effects, and the efficiency will be corresponding. Get the same change.

3. What should I do if the magna tal-blasting shot misses the shot? How to solve it?
Jekk il -magna tal-blasting shot is in use, it is likely to be caused by the shape of the workpiece, but this is not an absolute factor. Usually, there will be more probability at the exit of the magna tal-blasting shot. According to this point, we will cause Pay attention, and deal with the missing blasting material at any time during the working time, so as not to form a pile, so as not to affect the normal shot blasting progress.
The above three points are reference for common problems of magna tal-blasting shots, which are very useful for production and processing manufacturers. According to strict production, the shot blasting effect will not be bad, so we must also think from a comprehensive perspective in order to achieve ourselves The expected effect.